Volunteers Needed for Salmon Habitat Mapping Research

Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited is partnering with Kenai Watershed Forum in summer 2023 to identify, map, and conserve undocumented salmon habitat in our area. We can use your help! Join us for local fieldwork this summer. For dates and more information,...

Quality Assurance Project Plan revisions completed

The foundation of a long-term water quality monitoring program like Kenai Watershed Forum’s Kenai River Baseline Monitoring is a good Quality Assurance Project Plan, or QAPP. The QAPP outlines technical details when it comes to who, what, when, and where of a...

Mapping Alaska’s Salmon Streams

Why map Alaska’s salmon streams? Since 2012, Kenai Watershed Forum has worked to document Alaska’s salmon streams, lakes, and rivers. This work results in additional habitat registered in the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Anadromous Waters...

From Thermal Infrared Maps to Conservation Action

Example above of airborne thermal infrared imagery showing temperature contrast in a stream. A cold water inflow (purple and blue colors) enters the main channel (yellow color). Figure from NV5 Geospatial. Cold water refugia, or areas within a stream that are...

New 2022 Freshwater Conservation Action Plan

In January 2022, we convened a team of 18 experts in fish habitat and conservation to develop a Conservation Action Plan for the Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership. The plan outlines detailed strategies, threats, and recommended actions for freshwater fish...