Technical Resources


Mapping metadata

206 kb .pdf file (8 April 2015) Federal Geospatial Data Committee compliant information about mapping methods, scale and accuracy

2007 Alaska Regional Supplement

3 mb .pdf file (September 2007) Technical guide to wetland delineation that supplements the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual with specific procedures and indicators for Alaskan wetlands (115 pp plus data forms).

Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in Alaska

2 mb .pdf (2005) A description of the indicators of wetland soils in Alaska for use with the 2007 Regional Supplement when delineating wetlands for permitting purposes.

Wetland Plant Indicator Status

202 kb .xls (6 February 2013) USDA PLANTS symbol, scientific name, author, common name and indicator status for Alaska. Updated to include plants missing from the official site. Includes common subspecies linking to species for delineation purposes (e.g. ALINT will link to ALIN2). ANPO is OBL; BEPA is FAC, CACA11 is FAC and RUAR6 is FACU on this regionalized list.

1987 Wetland Delineation Manual

1.5 mb .pdf (January 1987) US Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. Technical guide to delineating wetlands for purposes of permitting discharge of fill under section 404 of the Clean Water Act (Technical Report Y-87-1, 143 pp)