2024-2025 Adopt-A-Stream EPA Grant SubAwards
SubAward Application Process opens October 1st, 2024. Applications are due to Katey at education@kenaiwatershed.org October 31st, by 5pm. See the RFP and application information here.

Adopt-A-Stream has been building connections between children and their environment since 1990. On average, 10 classrooms are visited each month, with additional excursions to streams monthly as conditions allow. Student contacts average 7,000+ per year, in grades preschool through middle school.
Generous Contributions Make Adopt-A-Stream Possible!
Salmon Celebration
Kenai Watershed Forum has participated in the Salmon Celebration since it first began! Educational stations are set up for groups of kids to transition to to learn all about salmon, water and our environment. Classrooms who have been raising baby salmon see their precious charges released to the wild.

River Table Programs
Thanks to a partnership with Kenai Soil and Water Conservation District and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the River Table is currently visiting locations free of charge throughout the Kenai Peninsula Borough. To request a River Table visit to your event or classroom, visit our River Table page.