Kenai River Baseline Water Quality Monitoring

Good water quality is essential for a healthy environment and society. The Kenai Watershed Forum has monitored the water quality of the Kenai River watersheds twice a year (once in the spring and once in the summer) since 2000; this is not an easy task and certainly one we could not accomplish alone. Thanks to the partner list below, we now have a comprehensive and growing understanding of the water quality in our backyard, something we can be proud to pass on to the next generation of water quality sampling volunteers!

Below is a list of program partners that are providing in-kind and/or financial support with baseline sampling for 2024:

KWF researchers collect data on the Kenai River
A volunteer recording water quality data.
Analytica employee checking water quality samples at the Soldotna Waste Water Treatment Plant for transport to Anchorage for analysis

The data from this sampling effort can be accessed by contacting Environmental Scientist Benjamin Meyer.

Comprehensive Baseline Water Quality Report

A comprehensive review of water quality data from this project was published in 2007 and in 2016:

In 2023, a new comprehensive review of water quality data from 2000 – 2023 is in progress

Project Map

Use the interactive map below to view our project monitoring sites

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Check out our Promotional Video on Kenai Watershed Forum’s YouTube Channel!

Check out our other current and historical water research programs